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Sunday, March 13, 2011

their engagement day

so today was my cousin's engagement day. my mother ask me to join rombongan cik kiah pegi meminang. they are very young couple sebab my cousin were 21 this year and his fiancee were a year younger than him which same with me. actually i'm kind a jealous with them cause aku nak jugak tunang kann :( haha tapi mak aku tk bagi -.-'

so, enjoy the picture guys.

anak panah pertama was my cousin yg nak bertunang. bapak happy en muka die adehh jealousnyee. then the second arrow was muka org tk puas hati yang tak dapat tunang sebab mak die tak bagi --'

so this one my mom said, okay dah boleh tunang tapi ada syarat but i ignored the syarat and i was smile that way shown 'i don't care you guys engage ke ape nanti aku engage aku nak buat lagi besar punyeeee hahahaha'

this is my mak njang which is step mother for my cousin cause his real mother was dead time die sekolah rendah tk silap and this is the rockiest mak saudara yang aku ada. haha.

so ni dekat rumah my cousin's fiancee dah macam kahwin dah sebab siap ade khemah semua tapi memang okay lah and tema die color pink. and ohh, that was my sister. haha.

heee. so finished about their engagement and now focus on my relationship pulak.

and tau tak this whole day i haven't met fadzli at all. haha. what a day but alhamdulillah hari ni tak gaduh besar okay clap clap clap --'

haha fadzli, nk tunang nk tunang macam dorang. haha menci ahh.

lot of love, sitinoorhidayahbtali

i love you fadzli. always