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Thursday, August 26, 2010

iloveyou :)

im not the one who perfect, but im the one who love you very much - him
you're not the number one, but you're the only one -me

dekat basement parking. dekat college. haha. kalau gaduh je, dekat sini lah kitorang talk and try to solve the problem. plus petang tu hujan. malam we got program dekat college. ingat kan nak balik dulu, tapi hujan. so tunggu hujan berenti, amik bubur lambuk. then balik rumah.

dekat college. since program nii budak dpl yang punya project, then we datang lah and support. mane tau nanti program kite, diorang pulak yang datang support. ok, this is my love with songkok ! encem kan abang hajii ? haha. love you hun :)

sweet gile gambar nii. haha, speechless ! :)

today, he said, he want to quit from ptpl. haih, what can i say ? its up to you. i wish i could help you. im trying sayang. be strong ok. we'll through all of this together. ok sayang. iloveyou. aku takut gile nanti lagi banyak dugaan kalau kite jauh. sekarang dengan budak foundation tu pun aku dah berangin, lepas ni entah ape lah lagii. sumpah lah aku tak sanggup. faham lah yee sayang ? i just cant :(