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Friday, October 15, 2010


mesti korang kate, 'alah, baru 3 bulan !' haha. tapi korang tak tau macam mane sesak dada nii nak sampai sejauh nii. no, im not blaming you or whatsoever, its just i cant imagine so many things are we've been through. but now, we're stronger i guess. this is just a game, that we've to keep playing it to get top score. haha. ape aku mencarut nii ? sighhh.

whatsoever. im not giving up to my own game. haha. even im the one who ask you to end this game just now right ? remember syg ? but you dont have any idea why i did it. its so pain to fight with you. but like i said, its just a game. just keep enjoying the game.

yesterday, yes, we keep arguing until today. its just because a little girl who dont get enough attention and try to lagakan kitorang ! i dont know what exactly her attention, but yes, he made we fighting. haha. just let her be. she just fifteen ! grow up girl ! you annoying. trust me :)

and now, we just fine. everything are fixed. and happy 3rd months anniversary syg. i know we can stay longer. we just fine syg. trust me. people around are just jealous to what we got right now. they are jealous to not have you. because im the one who got you :)