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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yesterday was a good day. Full with colors. I am happy person on yesterday. Full with laughs, jokes. Everything was fun. I met a lot of people in many kind. I was imagine. How if my parents was them ? Is that fair ? They love me till this day. Then one day, I send both of them to a place to take my responsible. Is that fair ? For them ? I am suppose to love them till the end, am I right ? So where's their children ? How could they leave all this people down there ? I don't know. I hope, I pray to Allah, don't pull me among of them. My parents deserve my love for ever. They need me.

A day before yesterday. It was a good day on the starting. I was with my love. My only one. Doing shopping together, break fast together. As usual, we laugh, ignore what people going to say about us. We just happy. And I am the happiest person on that time. But something happen. We start to fight. We curse each other. No more laugh on that time. We turn to other person. No more love. We just hate each other. We show it on words. Until one moment, he decided, to LEAVE me. I don't deserve it. I know. I was begging, I was crying. He said, he's not sure there's a love left for me ? Ohh that was stupid. I am loving him for anything happen. I hated him on that time. What kind of man you are ? Leaving me because of my weaknesses ? I tell you what ? You better don't.

So today, everything's back to normal. We're back in love again. That's the way this love playing with you. It hurt so bad sometime. But it give you rewards for everthings you've through. Trust me. Never lose hope :)

Happy 1 year and 1 month anniversary fadzli :')