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Friday, March 11, 2011

this is the ending

this week was a freaking week i guess. full with fighting. so this is it. this is what it will be.

so i guess, this is how it feel when the ending has come. its pain. the pain for huge injury inside it. i know this time are really the ending. really. no doubt. and fadzli,

i wish the best for you,
i would like to thank you for what you've done,
i'm sorry for everything,
and i know you can't give me another chance
cause you had enough with me.

so, this is it kan. hee. good luck fadzli. i know you can find better girl for you. cause you deserve better.

you was full with surprise before. but i know, there's no surprise for this time. so i will start all over again. without you. but i'm still waiting here. waiting for miracle. but i know there's will be no miracle. thank you for reading. pray the best for me.