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Sunday, November 27, 2011


So last 26 nov I mean yesterday :p we went to genting highlands for so many time planned tk menjadi and nahh ! This time Alhamdulillah. We six berjalan sehingga ke genting. Tercapai cita cita sy nk jalan tempat sejuk ala ala London dgn Love. Hee :*'

It went well for the beginning. Ohh not really well actually. First ijam lambat bangun tapi akhirnye bangun jugak. Alhamdulillah. And next one tayar baby bleh bocor pulak. Hahah it kinda funny but it's something to worry too. But redah ke terminal putra dgn tayar flat but pump jugak and Alhamdulillah sampai !

So our bus pukul 9.30 and at about 9.35 we dah move to genting. And I forgot pukul berapa kite sampai tapi sampai jugak Alhamdulillah. Hee. Next naik cabel car like usual and buy some food to breakfast and next masuk theme park. Whhooot whootttt ! Haha so tk naik ape pun for one hour sebab sibuk snapping picture hahaha :p

Then the first game kitorang naik swing yg pusing pusing tu sorry I forgot what it's called hahaa :D Then naik roller coaster, dinosaur land and after that here comes the rain -.- Tk dapat naik ape kottt. Semua tutup sbb rain. Tension gile tapi we enjoying jalan jalan dkt tempat yg sama for about 3 hours hahaha ehh biarlah kau ade ? Hahaha :p

Syukur Alhamdulillah selamat pergi dan selamat pulang. Actually ade jugak gaduh dkt genting *thanks friends sbb sabar masalah kitorang ni haha.But still we had lot of fun out there. Kena buat second trip sbb banyak games yg tk dapat naik sbb hujan. Pirates ship, sungai rejang roller coaster, and and and SPACE SHOT tk dapat naik. Hahaha :'(((

Second trip. InsyaAllah ! :DD

Pictures tk dapat uploaded sebab connection super lembap -.-

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Here's november comes. Lot to do this month. Tomorrow is Aidiladha. Celebrate dekat KL je. With love. Hee. Syukur alhamdulillah sempat lagi celebrate. October past and something big was happen. Okay I am an auntie. That's sound great but that was also make me realize that I'm getting older. And that's so not cool. Haha.

Last 31st october 2011, my brother dah dapat baby okayy ! Haha I am so happy cause it was a boyyy ! haha so happy sbb I tkde adik lelaki. Ade pun abang abang yg slalu buli -.-

Nk tau macam mane I was through nervous day tu ? On afternoon, my brother abemat tld me yg kak ila kena tahan ward sebab dah nk deliver baby. It was like 12pm tau. And I was weird sbb for me tu awal sgt. Then I pun dah plan something dgn my friends so I just proceed to the plan lah kan. Kitorang pegi ikea that time, makan meatball and jalan dekat the curve.

It was raining so kitorang balik lambat sikit. Lepas dah hang dekat dagang avenue and makan makan sikit, kitorang balik rumah. That time fadzli hantar balik then naik sampai atas sbb nk ambik duit and jumpe lah ibab. Die cakap mak dah pegi hospital. And I thought kak ila dah deliver lah.

Rupenye belum. Masa kitorang sampai, mak dgn mak kak ila tgh tunggu kak ila dalam bilik bersalin. baby lemas that time and kak ila terpaksa operated and tepat pukul 11 he was born. Syukur alhamdulillah semuanya selamat.

So fadzli balik dulu sbb nanti baba nya marah and I balik dgn mak sbb mak bwk motor sorang sorang kan. So lepas dah deliver, kitorang pun balik. Masa nk balik hujan lebat gile kesian dekat mak kena redah jugak and atas motor kitorang mengarut 2 org atas motor and nk bagi baby tu nama Muhammad Hujan sbb kitorang redah hujan utk die. haha. His real name is I'm not very sure but some kind like Muhammad Suffi Afiq Bin Mohd Hafiz kot. Will confirm it later :)

Now dah seminggu dah baby lahir. He was very healthy one and esok nk pegi tengok dia. Can't wait :DD

Selamat hari raya aidiladha peeps :)