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Friday, May 20, 2011


Allah maha adil. Apa yang berlaku, ada hikmah yang dijanjikan. Itu janjiNya. InsyaAllah.

I'm maybe just a stranger. But I know and I can feel the pain through the silence. When we see somebody who always full with smiles being so gloomy even she throw a smile towards me but I can feel the pain beside her smile. It was so sad but we've to accept this with all our hearts as we just His servant.

I hope you will get well soon because I can't stand to see your mother become so upset and worry about you and I hope you will be so strong for your family and of course for your mother. God will be always with you. Take this as a test and I'm sure, you'll be fine. InsyaAllah. Don't stop praying to Allah and don't give up because He' listening you 24/7 :)